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Conversvatives must consolidate to win.

Free political advice from a moderate Obama supporter. Why, because I own a web server and know how publish a wordpress blog.

If conservatives want a republican candidate they know its not Mitt Romney. Voters can change their mind, politicians are suspect. Romney has changed his mind on abortion rights and a host of other issues, too long to list. He is not their candidate. If he wins they will not be happy.

So what to do? Like the airline business, the only way to win is to consolidate and do so quickly. Like in the next five days.

Gingrich should be the nominee, baggage and all. He is the best debater, and can hold his own with Obama like nobody else can. Age is a factor. He can’t wait. Vice Presidential nominee should probably be Rick Santorum. He is young, he is a serious version of Sarah Palin and will be the presumptive front runner if Obama is re-elected. Jon Huntsman is a good second choice due to foreign policy concerns. A Mandarin speaker at diplomatic meetings with the Chinese, where they say one thing in English and another in Chinese would be invaluable.

Rick Perry: He should go back to Texas, drink Ginseng tea and run for president when he has some serious foreign policy credentials. He should swallow his pride and take a sub cabinet position that involves lots of foreign travel. He wont. That is too bad.

Ron Paul is an idiot that believes (correctly) that Israel founded Hamas. It was founded as a counter to the PLO and there are 1500 Israeli’s in graves regretting that decision. Policy makers in Israel fear Ron Paul as much as they regret their decision to found Hamas.

Back to the topic at hand. The Gingrich Santorum ticket combines out at a level that wins South Carolina and changes the momentum of the race.

If getting the nomination is easy for Romney, Obama will eat him for dinner at the debates and on the air waves. If Romney is to become tough enough for a win he needs to be tested against a single strong, conservative candidate.

Gingrich is flawed. But he is an intellectual powerhouse and deserves a shot if he can demonstrate control of his temper. If not, the Republicans deserve Romney and Gingrich should go back to Georgia where he belongs.

Shmuel Protter


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